Contact Us

1 - 19126 Ford Rd, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2P1
(15 min from Coquitlam Centre.
12 min from Hwy #1 Exit 44 to Maryhill Bypass.
5 min from Golden Ears Bridge.)

(Text messages preferred)
Parking: There is ample free 2-hr street parking in front of our building.
Handicap Parking: There is one handicap parking spot in our small parking lot, which can be accessed through the lane-way beside the building.
Stroller Access: There are steps to access the building's front door. If you have a stroller, you can avoid any steps by coming in through the building's back door, which can be accessed through the parking lot behind the building.
Location: The Beacon Therapy clinic is right beside the Pharmasave (see image below).

1 - 19126 Ford Rd, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2P1
(15 min from Coquitlam Centre.
12 min from Hwy #1 Exit 44 to Maryhill Bypass.
5 min from Golden Ears Bridge.)

(Text messages preferred)
Parking: There is ample free 2-hr street parking in front of our building.
Handicap Parking: There is one handicap parking spot in our small parking lot, which can be accessed through the lane-way beside the building.
Stroller Access: There are steps to access the building's front door. If you have a stroller, you can avoid any steps by coming in through the building's back door, which can be accessed through the parking lot behind the building.
Location: The Beacon Therapy clinic is right beside the Pharmasave (see image below).